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Our Dua and Çevşen models are on sale with 925 sterling silver options, with the difference of kazaziyegumus.com. With their small chambers Cevşen Amulet Necklaces and verse lectern are prepared in accordance with the requirements of our religion and for you to present to your loved ones. The Prophet prayed to Allah by opening his hands, upon which the gates of heaven were opened and Gabriel came and said, "O Muhammad! Your Lord greets you and asks you to take off your armor and recite this prayer. This prayer will provide both you and your ummah with a stronger security than armor.” Cevşen-i Kebir is a long prayer consisting of 100 parts, each of which contains ten of Allah's names and attributes. Each chapter starts with basmala and ends with “Subhânake yâ lâ ilahe illâ ente el-gavse el-gavs salli alâ Muhammedin ve âlihî ve hallisnâ mine'n-nâr yâ ze'l-celâli ve'l-ikrâm yâ erhame'r-rahimîn ” (سبحانك يا لا إله إلا أنت الغوث الغوث صل على محمد وآله وخلصنا من النار يا ذا الجلال والإكرام يا repeated أراحم يا At the beginning of twenty-five of these 100 chapters, there is the phrase "Allāhümme innî es'elüke bi-esmâik" (اللهم إني أسألك بأسمائك) and contains the names of Allah in the form of "ya Allah, ya rahman, ya rahîm". Between each chapter that begins with this expression, there are prayers in the form of different munajats, which usually start with the phrase "yâ hayre'l-gafirîn" in three paragraphs. Thus, the entire prayer covers 250 names and 750 attributes and munajats belonging to Allah. The main purpose of all these munajats, as can be understood from the content of the prayer and the expression "al-gavse al-gavs hallisnâ mine'n-nâr" repeated at the end of each chapter, is to pray for salvation from the disasters of the world and the torment of the hereafter.
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